
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New looks and Old Friends

I am currently experimenting with the header as you can see it has changed, it is fun to play around with different looks and designs. So we will see what I come up with. This is will also be a new and reoccurring  photoshop challenge.

Today I caught up with my friend Courtney (see previous blog ). This past week at my small table we were asked about who we thought was living a life that challenged us to fall more in love with Christ. She was the first to come to mind. Her faith is always growing and changing yet since the eighth grade she has been the first to remind me that when I have fears or doubts, "Jesus" is all I need and need to know. I encourage you to read her blog and be in prayer for her and exciting things God is doing through her now and in the future.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

They say so much.

I am so grateful for how often I get to pull out my camera for family portraits and events. In today's world of digital photography though a necessity for all photographers is Photoshop. There are many complaints about the 'loss of the art' now that cameras are so mainstream and what you lack in skills can be compensated through your computer screen. A fact of life is that the world is changing and people want their pictures in under a week and they want all their pimples and wrinkles gone.
 I think I am a rare case who learned photoshop before they learned a camera so I am always up for learning new things in this area. Tyler's brother happens to very skilled in the area of graphic design which is where I am most lacking. I have always been afraid to download brushes from the internet but he showed how to do it and now I am so hooked. This website has so many brushes, patterns, and ideas. So far I mostly downloaded flowers and circles (I am such a girl) but they have "manly" looking stuff too.

Some of my circles and flowers :)

In the college group at Warren we are starting discipleship groups. I am going to start meeting with Jenni once a week and learning from her. We are reading "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life" by Donald Whitney. I was convicted from just the first few pages. He described going to a culture and a church that that was marked with sin even in the churched leaders. They came to realize that the reason for the way the people were living was the fact that no one owned a Bible, there sermons came from stories that the leaders could vaguely remember. Whitney and other pulled together to get this church inexpensive Bibles so they could finally start immersing themselves in Scripture. This observation by Whitney is what struck me. "It's one thing to be unfamiliar with Scripture when you don't own a Bible; it's another thing when you have a bookshelf full." 
These people had no Bible to pick up daily, learn, and grow from. What's my excuse?

I am have been reminiscing on my trip to Chicago two years ago lately. It was a one of the coolest cities I have ever been to and catching up with Courtney in the place she now calls home was priceless. 

"Laugh loudly, laugh often, and most importantly laugh at yourself." -Chelsea Handler

I am going to see Elton John with the kid pictured above. I am so excited. Elton John was seriously my favorite artist since I was about six. I was so strange. I hope he plays this song.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Usual and Farewells

I see lovely people all the time but I usually don't take camera with me on a day-to-day basis because I am scared to break it. Lately though I just happen to have it. At my small table on Sunday my girls were their usual charming selves. These girls blow me away with their wisdom and antics... also getting a normal picture of their pretty faces is impossible.

My non-stop entertainment and also very reliable 

The sass and attitude, can't you tell?

The sweet and honest one, also I want her hair
This isn't all of them sadly they left too soon.

Our youth pastor's computer makes me laugh every time I see it.

We love guest in our household. Be warned if you come by we will probably take your picture. Then I will post it to my blog. This past week we had the Pastor David, he is a great friend to my dad and he always gets a smile and thumbs up.

Our life is an endless game of Charades 
We finally figured out Bob wanted a picture with the Twelve sign and...

He wanted a visited from Mary-Liz before she left for Orlando 
I highly recommend following her Blog here!

Friday, January 13, 2012

It's not compassion till...

...Your Ignorance isn't an Excuse

Passion for me can be described as enlightening. My brain gets all jumbled when I try to explain it, so I will just put some of my favorite quote from the speakers there.

Louie Giglio: "Is Jesus' name gonna make it back to the dorm?"

40,000 people, Insane but amazing
Christine Cain: "Allow God to interrupt your life."
It snowed. Can't you tell?
John Piper: "Bored people can't decide to be satisfied, You can't save yourself."

Precious Passionites needed a nap...surrounded by about 50 people.
Beth Moore: "The greatest need we have is usually private... and we are as sick as our secret."
A game called Temple Run was everywhere
Chan: "All you need to know is I am a human being and I read the Bible."

Toms were everywhere too.

Christine: "Compassion isn't getting emotional, it's taking action."
This hand was erected for many reasons but largely as a reminder to 'Do Something Now'

Louie: "Jesus is majesty stepping into the mess."
Cell Phone lights
Christine: "The goal is not to slide safely into death."

Francis Chan: Luke 14 "When you give a feast, invite the poor. What does that mean in the Greek?" Just do it.

Louie: "Do what God wired you to do... to His Glory."
I recommend you check out the Do Something Now website. There are 27 million slaves in the word today, more than any other time in history.

...Your Indifference isn't an option
*Sidenote on Thursday night when I got back from Passion I decided to pay a visit to Tyler's brother and sister-in-law's house because I missed them, their babies and their dog. On the way there my mom called and told me I would need to pick up my aunt from the airport later that night. I said okay and went on to Grant and Micah's where they were oddly pushy about getting me out the door to get my aunt. When I got to the airport Tyler called and Surprise for me, I was actually picking him up! So my sweet boyfriend would be joining me for the next five days :)
Harris loves his uncle Ty-ty, it's like his biggest toy

Returning from Passion I had the mindset of "How can I do something now... Here". I was stumped on where to start. Thankfully I am blessed in Augusta because the people surrounding me were already on the ball with Change, literally.

My friend Kaili (see her family here) put together a yard sale benefiting missionaries in Swaziland and also raised some money with Change for Change. It was the most fun I've ever had at  yard sale.

These were a huge hit

Tyler as a bagboy

Next, that night Darcy had her Senior project that was a Contra Dance to raise money for the mission trip to Conyers. I have been to Conyers several times and this is area so deeply entrenched in my heart. I am terrible dancer but my dance partner is way to much fun to turn down and I didn't stop laughing all night.

Give Chelsea the camera and you almost get an adorable picture
Such a fun couple, I've missed them.
Too awesome to be ignored.
The amazing Dar-Dar Binks.

... You cross the Street [Luke 10:25-37]... or run around it a few times

My friend Chelsea brought up 5K's to me the other day, while that is a completely different story it got us interested in participating in one. If you think back to the Wiley's just a few weeks ago, they have exciting news that they have prayerfully decided to extend their family by adopting. They along with a few other families are holding a 5K to support the adoptions. Chelsea and I are training (yes we have to train for 3.1 miles, don't judge)but I am beyond excited for Jan. 28. If you would like to join us, donate, or pray for us go to Trot to Adopt Blog here Also they have family one mile walk that is perfect for strollers. 


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Miranda & Nigel

My boyfriend has recently called me out on "using too many superlatives." This is probably the wrong post to try to fix it on because these actually are the Best People in the World.
Hannah and Stephen were two of my closest friends in high school. College has changed us minimally and technology has allowed to keep up with each other including Hannah having her own blog here . Hannah has a take-no-prisoners wit that makes me pity anyone who makes crosses her and Stephen is reliable and genuine so they make a hilarious pair and I insisted on them taking Best Friend Pictures