
Monday, May 28, 2012

And It Keeps Getting Better...

This picture can go down as one of my all time favorite photos. It is fantastic and I just can't look at it without feeling happy.

Disc golf my not be our sport but we will gladly walk around while everyone else plays

 I missed seeing Chelsea off and it is all this Jacket fault but I am pumped about her stories when she comes back.

An art teacher once told me that without light, no color exists. So my favorite green is completely dependent on any form of light. And since photography is drawing with light, a picture cannot be "drawn" and "colored" without light sources. Sometimes I am under appreciative of "good lighting", so taking my camera out at night and having to take shots in mostly darkness challenges me and it is cool to see the colors that come out.

College Retreat. A very pleasant surprise I must say I made several friends that I had never met before and was introduced to cornhole... I am so addicted.

Been seeing my best buddy a lot lately... so nice

Back from their swim

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Adios Partner

Tomorrow at 2 P.M. I will be seeing off my best friend as she leaves for Swaziland. It is a very strange feeling because these past few weeks have been so crazy with Kayla graduating, I don't think we actually have sat down and taken in the fact that Chelsea will be gone for two weeks.
Chelsea was one of the last people to sign up for the trip and it was actually only a few weeks ago she made the final decision to go. But it all feels like this is exactly what was supposed to happen. When we were highschool and Chelsea and I went on the Conyers mission trip and Chelsea fell head-over-heels in love with the kids, it was just God's way of preparing her for how much room she was going to need in her heart for other people. When her senior project was reaching out to teenage girls helping them realize how wonderful they are, it was Chelsea learning how to share and lead with others.
And when Chelsea ran into the Edge just a few Wednesday nights ago barely able to contain how happy she was that she might go Africa it was one of those things that you almost feel like you always knew would happen. I think it's kind of funny how many times I see where the Bible tells me that God is in control but I am still blown away by it.

Chelsea has a love inside of her that few people are blessed with. She will fight passionately for the people she cares for but will sit quietly instead of demanding the things she wants. Over the past year, she and her family have completely redefined what I thought the meaning of "love" and "sisters" was and I know they are just as excited/nervous as I am for Chelsea's trip. But I also know God didn't make a person who loves as much Chelsea does to be contained anywhere and I am 100% positive Swaziland is just the beginning for my friend.

Praying for you Partner!

Friday, May 18, 2012

PhotoDump {Summer Edition}

As a strong believer in not having a bad day, the bar is set for me to have a good day. The past few weeks have all been great days.

Shooting the ADPI formal with my early birthday surprise Tyler :)
Chelsea "thought we were singing"
YAY for fantastic people being home!
Kayla has a new job and is graduating tomorrow! And Kyle is home so she is a  happy girl
Coco is ALWAYS watching. 

Can't get mad at that face when he sneaks your water bottle  
Lost a kid while babysitting...

“If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn’t need to lug around a camera.”
-Lewis W. Hine

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Summer Tease

This weekend was a preview for the summer months to come. Lots of warm weather, sun, moon, and pools.

The moon was 30% brighter
Favorite. No idea why
Now finals.

It's bad when you're relating to high school musical...

Saturday, May 5, 2012

May the Forth be will you.

Yes it is technically the fifth now but as a huge Starwars fan I loved saying the date today. In honor of this important day I practice taking pictures of the moon. I have never really taking pictures of the night sky before but it s definitely something I want to continue practicing. Listen to amazing music while viewing.

For this one I wanted to be able to see the details of the moon so I had a 200 ISO with f/32. 

For this one I wanted to show the tree so I sacrificed the detailed of the moon by having a ISO of 200 and and shutter speed of 25 seconds (I have a remote to avoid shaking the camera)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

She Comes in Colors

I get a large portion of my music tastes from my parents, who up until maybe ten years ago were unaware there was music made after the 80's (oddly enough they completely embraced this new music when they found it considering my mom owned the new Kelly Clarkson, Adele, and Lady Gaga CD before I even knew they were out). Anyway, in my childhood I remember listening to Bon Jovi, Aretha Franklin, Elton John, the Cats soundtrack... and the Arthur soundtrack.
Another biggie in our house was the Rolling Stones. They were my middle school anthem. I had a math teacher who was mean as Monday and I just remember my mom telling me whenever she was rude to remember this song

Since the Paint Fight Shoot a few days ago I have developed an appreciation for this song and I think it is my new favorite.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Painting 2012

 I love the youth of Warren so much. Being back as an "adult" is one of the greatest blessings in my life. But the senior girls are special because I'm not simply one of their "leaders." I went to school with these guys. They are my peers and friends.
A paint fight seemed like the perfect way to to make make some memories with these girls before they graduate.
I had them image of them playfully tossing paint and smiling for the camera. Being the overachievers that they are, they attacked each other with a vengeance. We had a great time and I am glad they took it so seriously. I am slightly confused as to when they totally turned purple. Within a few minutes I have six Avatars on my hands.