The people of Chatt are all extremely busy so we have to make the most of our chances to hang out. A few weekends ago we went to Steeds Dairy Farm. They have a corn maze, petting zoo, and slide.
There are a lot of pictures, blame the people I hang out with they are too adorable.
I am quite sad this semester is almost over. I would have never thought I could enjoy school this much. At the beginning it was scary partially because a few people had tried to talk me out of switching schools and were telling me I was settling by going to a technical school. And because I was scared.
10 weeks later I am so glad I took the risk. This has been the farthest thing from settling. I am being pushed and challenged as an artist/photographer but also a Christian. It's still scary but the good kind. For the first time since high school I 100% positive I am heading down the path God intended. I am thankful for a family and boyfriend that support my decisions and (hopefully) think I can actually do this.
Looking back the past four years weren't a waste, I have great core classes (and some random ones that I hope will benefit me in life) that transfer and built strong friendships that I would need once I left. And as terrible as it sounds, my lack of paying attention in class allowed me to focus on photography and learning from my boss for two years. With how much the classes require of me now I wouldn't have been able to that.
To anybody reading this I hope whatever you doing, it's what you want to do. And that it makes you happy. As someone who pretended to be satisfied with what they were doing for way to long... The change is worth it.
And to the friends still at ASU who I do miss greatly, I know we don't see each daily but ya'll will never be replaced :)
For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how disciplined you are and how firm your faith in Christ is.