
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey with a Side of Horse

     I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving. Mine was the perfect mixture out-of-town family and in-town friends.

This is all of us in our impossible-to-get-everyone-to-look-at-the-same-time glory (also hard to crop as you can tell by the awkward amount of wall space behind us)

This is the ample amount of food we had. We weren't a huge group but through our combined efforts and the genorsity of the people in my parents Sunday school class we had more food than all of us could have eaten in a week but we were grateful for it and enjoyed every dish.

My dog Cleo :) so cute

Just when it seemed like this was going to be the most uneventful holiday with the fewest pictures opportunities ever. My cousin's dog mysteriously got out. And by mysteriously I mean Ashton let her out. This mishap was followed by literally running down the street, illegal trespassing, and climbing through barbed wire only to get a phone call that they had caught the dog. That's the short version Ashton can handle the long version if she feels up to it.
Anyway, when we got back the house my sister had brought her horse, Topaz along with a pony that stays at the same barn named Amanda. This was the perfect picture fodder I was looking for. 

Cousin Allison. Notice the Aviators, scarf, and iPod touch all while on a horse. Kids these days are so trendy

This my sister with her first love and her boyfriend.

I told Ashton she could come ride completely expecting her to say no. To my surprise she walked right out the door and jumped on.

The second shocking equestrian was Mrs. Robin. As you can see the helmet was not going over well.

Topaz with an adorable Horsey smile

These aren't perfect by any stretch by I'm glad I had my camera ready to take them. I'm off to go Black Friday shopping and the best part is I get to listen to Josh Groban Christmas now!!!!

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