
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

...And I am Undone

The day has FINALLY come. The Passion "White Flag" CD was released. I am taking the long route home just to sing-a-long with these songs for a few minutes more.

 It is brings back so many memories and makes me miss those few days even more.

This song by David Crowder is my favorite. It's powerful and just plain floors me.

My favorite line is "In the middle of the night, all this light." It reminds me of this picture that Tyler took during a storm. It never crosses my mind to take my camera outside during a storm much less at night. The word Photography is derived from greek and ultimately means "drawing with light." How beautiful does that sound?! 
During her talk Christine Caine told the story of taking one her daughters to Walmart to buy a flashlight. Her daughter turned on her light in the store but realized she could not properly see the brightness of her light so she turned to her mom and said "Mom, we need to find some darkness so I can see my light." 
This little girls words apply to all of us, especially me. I am often drawn to the golden and sunny days convinced this is best place to find light. 
But where we need to go to see the true majesty of light manifested is where it's dark.

John 8:12 - When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

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