
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

ABC's of Texas

Georgia just got cold. But pretty much all of these pictures are from when it was quite hot in Texas. At least hot enough to leave me a not-pretty sunburn. This was the longest trip I have made to College Station. So there was a lot more time for fun stuff.

Aggie Ring

We went to Tyler's grandmother's farm. It was so beautiful and fresh there, I hope to go back. His niece and nephew met some cows and I got meet more of Tyler's family.

Boyfriend and Cows

Feeding the fish. If this is not the most adorable thing ever, then I truly don't know what is.

Midnight Yell, one of my favorite Aggie Traditions
If you ever go to College Station, go to Grub Burger.

While we're are on the subject of memories, I am cracking down on myself to regularly burning CD's of my photos. I am either doing 1 CD a night or 2 every other night (the latter has been happening so far). For long as burning data to a CD has been possible in homes my dad has been backing up his pictures. Since storing them in a way that easy sort and compact can be difficult I was excited find this at Target. I love it because each sleeve holds two Disc (I actually DVD's because they hold A LOT more pictures) but I can label them on the front of the sleeve so, no having to flip to the back of the sleeve to figure out what is in it. :)

Tyler loves night photography. This is a ten minute exposure he while we were there. It was so dark we had to use a flashlight to focus the oil rig. Quite amazing isn't it? :)

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